

 I went to the shaved ice shop that is open only in the summer. I ate "condensed milk strawberry" . It is a little bit sweet and very tasty. It is an old-fashioned shaved ice that is pleasing with the ice crispy texture.

Nikon D850, Nikkor-S.C Auto 55mm F1.2, 1/100, F1.4, ISO 100, by kasairika


Simple goodwill written as "ice". This shop is open only in summer, and it is closed on rainy days. I could'nt come last year. Because last summer had many raining day. 

Nikon D850, Nikkor-S.C Auto 55mm F1.2, 1/6400, F1.4, ISO 100, by kasairika


Wind chimes suspended from the ceiling are directing the summer of Japan. There is no air conditioner in the store. Waiting for I sweat to produce shaved ice, I finished eat that stop sweat, good feeling.

Nikon D850, Nikkor-S.C Auto 55mm F1.2, 1/60, F1.4, ISO 100, by kasairika

最近ずっと使っているNikkor-S.C Auto 55mm F1.2。最新のレンズにはない各収差が人間的な「ゆらぎ」となって、撮った写真に独特の空気感を与えてくれます。

 I have been using "Nikkor-S.C Auto 55 mm F1.2" for recently . Each aberration that is not in the latest lens becomes like a human "fluctuation", and it gives a unique air feeling to the photograph taken.



写真よりカメラが好きなスペックヲタクのおばさん。日常は主にMotoGPを観ることで過ぎていく。ダニ・ペドロサを応援すること18年。現在の愛機はHASSELBLAD 500C/MとHEXAR、CONTAX T2 gold。バイクと飛行機と息子を撮るのが大好き。編集を担当した『赤城写真機診療所 -そんなカメラは捨てなさい-』(赤城耕一著/玄光社)『フィルムカメラスタートブック』(大村祐里子著/玄光社)絶賛発売中。




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