
Nikon D850, Nikkor-S.C Auto 55mm F1.2, 1/125, F1.4, ISO 100, by kasairika


宇宙人カメラ部の何気ない普段のやりとりのなかで、nozさんが「F1.4より明るい50mmが欲しい」と言っているのを聞いたあと、出先の中古カメラ店で見つけたのが「Nikkor-S.C Auto 55mm F1.2」。ただ、このお店にあったものは後玉にかなりキズがあり、安かったのですが断念。断念するとなぜか俄然欲しくなるもので、ネット検索を続けていると、ありました! しかもAi改! すぐにポチりました。届いたのは大切に使われていたことのわかるキレイなレンズでした。


Last weekend, I went to wind chimes festival. Contrary to the sound of a cool wind chimes, it was too hot and humid……

I heard that noz-san says "I want to buy a 50mm lens brighter than F1.4" in the casual usual interaction of the UCHU-JIN camera club, I found out at the second hand camera shop on the go is "Nikkor-S.C Auto 55 mm F 1.2 ". However, what was in this shop was considerably scratched at the back glass, although it was cheap but abandoned. If I abandoned it for some reason I would definitely want it, and I continued searching the net, there was! Moreover, Ai reform! I quickly bought. What I received was a beautiful lens that shows what was being used carefully.
Immediately attached to the D850. If I say a lens with a large aperture of F1.2, I imagine a big heavy one now, but this lens is very compact. I shoot pictures by MF carefully.

Nikon D850, Nikkor-S.C Auto 55mm F1.2, 1/60, F1.4, ISO 100, by kasairika


This lens was manufactured around 1965.Although each aberration is bigger than the modern lens, it is rather good. F1.2 is fluffy like a soft focus, I shoot with F1.4, but the focus peak is quite impressive. Was compatibility with the subject "wind chimes" good, I am amazed at the wonderful discription that can not be said anything. I like the discription of this lens! In addition to the word, I will take picture more so that I can languageize the beauty of this lens.

Nikon D850, Nikkor-S.C Auto 55mm F1.2, 1/60, F1.4, ISO 125, by kasairika

Nikon D850, Nikkor-S.C Auto 55mm F1.2, 1/60, F1.4, ISO 125, by kasairika



写真よりカメラが好きなスペックヲタクのおばさん。日常は主にMotoGPを観ることで過ぎていく。ダニ・ペドロサを応援すること18年。現在の愛機はHASSELBLAD 500C/MとHEXAR、CONTAX T2 gold。バイクと飛行機と息子を撮るのが大好き。編集を担当した『赤城写真機診療所 -そんなカメラは捨てなさい-』(赤城耕一著/玄光社)『フィルムカメラスタートブック』(大村祐里子著/玄光社)絶賛発売中。




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